Bible Challenge Week 25: The Kingdom – Wisdom

Job asked, “Where is wisdom to be found?”  It’s a good question, but an even better question might be, “What is ‘wisdom’?”  These days we hear the adjective more than the noun: wise woman, wise words, wise government officials–well, admittedly, we don’t hear those words in combination too much.  I wonder if that says something about our times: we understand the characteristics of wisdom (what it looks like) without understanding it.

The Bible doesn’t make that mistake.  A quick glance at my concordance shows many more references to wisdom than to wise, which only makes sense.  The main character of the Bible is the source of wisdom.

Still, what is it?  This week’s survey of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs is aimed at answering that question.  (We’ll look at Ecclesiastes next week, and as for the Song of Songs, I’m not wise enough to fit that one in!)  For this week’s scripture passages, discussion questions, and activities, click below:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 25: The Kingdom – Wisdom

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 24: The Kingdom – Solomon and the Temple

Next: Week 26: The Kingdom – Failure!