Bible Challenge Week 48: The Church – God’s Family

“I’m so glad to be a part of the family of God.”  That was a popular chorus thirty years ago when our kids were growing up and we were trying to decide on a church to attend.  The notion of church as family is preached from many pulpits, but how many listeners (or preachers) actually believe it?  Church attendance drops every year, “organized religion” takes more hits than ducks in an arcade.  Even professing Christians ditch the family terminology as soon as something they don’t like happens in the church they’re currently attending.  As for “membership”–what’s that?  Many churches don’t even have membership status.

But church as family is one of the plainest principles taught in the Bible.  It’s not just a metaphor–it’s a fact.  Jesus even said that there’s no marriage in heaven, and presumably no parent-child relationships.  Christ will be our husband, and God (the Father) our Father.  We don’t know exactly what this will look like, but we can be sure that the only family that will last into eternity is the church.  Maybe we should start taking it more seriously.

For a dowloadable .pdf of this week’s Bible challenge, including scripture references, thought questions, and family activities, click below:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 48: The Church – God’s Family

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 48: The Church – By Faith Alone

Next: Week 49: The Church – On to Glory!

When NOT to “Pray about It”

“I’ve prayed about it and I feel at peace.”

Peace about what?

“About filing for divorce.  No—he’s not abusive or neglectful; we just can’t agree about anything.  We fight all the time and the kids are picking up on the tension.  This isn’t what marriage is supposed to be about.  He’s not going to lift a finger—of course—but if I file he won’t object.”

* * * * * * * * * *

“We’ve prayed about it, and it seems like the thing to do.”

What’s that?

“Leaving the church.  Yes I know, it’s only been two years since we formally joined and stood up in front of the congregation and made those promises, but we aren’t happy with the way things are going.  There’s also that one guy that really rubs us the wrong way . . . no, we can’t put our finger on why it is, but they made that guy an elder!  We’re going to start looking around next Sunday.”

But remember, we prayed about it.  It’s always good to pray . . . unless what you really mean is, We talked to God and decided we were all on the same page about what we should do.  But God already has a page, and that’s the one we’re supposed to be on.

How often do you catch yourself trying to get Him to agree with what you want to do, rather than searching out what he wants, and then asking for faith to do it?  Because—let’s face it—what he wants you to do is often going to be hard.  Maybe so hard it seems impossible.  Maybe you even know, way down deep, what God wants, but you personalize it or generalize it or rationalize it or hedge it around with so many qualifiers the central command is smothered.

I know God hates divorce, but— (the bills, the fights, the chill, the drag, the chain)

I know Christ loves his church but— (the leadership, the bad decisions, the misunderstandings)

If you find yourself rationalizing, the first thing to do is surgically remove that three-letter word BUT.  The reason is because it opens the door to every excuse.  So cut it off and kick it out.  When it whimpers and scratches at the door, harden your heart.  Expel the fatal conjunction, invite the conjunctive adverb:

I know God hates divorce.  Therefore . . .

I know Christ loves his church.  And so . . .

Yes, there are valid reasons to end a marriage or leave a church.  If the reason is not so valid, prayer will not get God on your side.  When not to pray:

  • When you already know what the Bible says
  • When you know your own will is leaning against what the Bible says
  • When you’re fishing for justification for those inclinations

Don’t pray about what you already know.  Pray for what you desperately need—the strength, faith, love, and determination to do it.