Bible Challenge Week 28: Kings & Prophets – Jonah, Amos, Hosea

Elijah and Elisha instituted the Age of Prophets with an explosion of signs and wonders.  Now comes the hard part.  Or actually, it’s always hard, speaking truth to stony hearts, but the miracles will soon be out while oracles and exhortations are in.  Israel (the northern kingdom, that is) is hanging on only by God’s mercy: Amos and Hosea are sent to warn them, first by words and then by actions.

Jonah is a special case, and not just because of his big fish adventure.  He is sent to warn Israel’s enemies, a signal to him (and to us) that God’s heart is for the world, not just one nation or one race.  Jonah as the first “global prophet” is a stunning success in some ways and a miserable failure in others.

For the .pdf of this week’s challenge, with Bible passages, questions, and activities, click here:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 28: Kings & Prophets – Jonah, Amos, Hosea

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 27: Kings & Prophets – Elijah

Next: Week 29: Kings & Prophets – Micah and Isaiah

Ladies, Let’s Get Our Act Together

When it comes to sexual harassment, reform begins with us.

On my other blog I offered some thoughts on the recent expose of sexual harassment in the world of children’s publishing.  Several well-known, best-selling authors, and a few publishing executives—all of them male—have been called out by name for inappropriate sexual comments and unwanted advances, such as ogling, groping, and hounding women for dates (“My wife is totally fine with it”).

Exposures of harassment in any sector begins with a spark, and in children’s publishing the spark was a piece published on by children’s author Anne Ursu.  Straightforwardly titled, “Sexual Harassment in the Children’s Book Industry,” the article reported the results of an online survey Ms. Ursu ran from December to January.  She received almost 90 responses, all reporting some form of uninvited sexual attention.  Her report is well-written and well-thought-out, carefully defining terms (like “sexual harassment,” which could use some defining) and steering clear of sensationalism.  She lets the personal experiences of her respondents speak for themselves, and I don’t doubt any of them.

These men should be called out and dealt with.  But as #MeToo reels from one cultural corner to another, I’d like to signal time-out for a little woman-to-woman talk.

What’s going through her head right now?

Many of the plaintiffs framed their reactions to unwanted sexual advances or comments this way: “I felt small.”  “I was humiliated.”  Even, “He broke me.”  There were no reports of rape or violent assault; this rhetoric is in response to juvenile behavior.  Stupid remarks.  Unfunny jokes.  Silly innuendo.  Conversational gambits they should have grown out of in junior high.

Let’s think about that: certain men are acting like pigs, and we feel small?

Certain men are acting like pigs, and women feel small?

The smallness, the helplessness emerges over and over.  “Society has taught us to gaslight ourselves,” wrote one respondent.  From another: “a culture of toxic masculinity and misogyny” is stacked against them.  Anne Ursu herself summarizes an unwelcome encounter this way: “He sees you as an object, and thus you feel like an object.  He treats you as fungible, thus you feel fungible.  And ashamed for ever thinking you were anything else in the first place.”

Whoa.  I mean, whoa.  “An object”? “Fungible”? “Ashamed”?  Again, a few men are stomping around in the barnyard, and this is how we feel?

Don’t get me wrong; I understand the feeling, especially for a pretty, sparkly twenty-something hoping to make her mark in the business.  I’ve felt that way myself—up until age 30 or so.  Then I started to toughen up.  Not to excuse the jerks, but if a jerk is making you feel small after a certain age, you need to work on your feelings.  More importantly, work on your feelings before that certain age.

The standard solutions for sexual harassment have to do with protocols, guidelines, and consequences.  Those are practical steps that can do some good.  When it comes to underlying principles, though, they get a bit unreal.  “We need to upend the way we think about sexual harassment,” Anne Ursu says, meaning: “We need to put the harassed first.”  “Zero tolerance,” writes one of her respondents.  “There needs to be a top-down prioritization of people’s safety and basic humanity over the prioritization of profit.”

In person-to-person interactions, we are the first responders.

Here are 13 Reasons Why that’s not going to happen, in any way beyond lip service.  When has it happened?  Ever?  In some religious and charitable organizations, yes, but not in any business, or not for any length of time.  Because if profit is not prioritized, the business fails.  Corporate culture can still be humane, but safety and basic humanity are not why publishers—or anyone—are in business.  Nothing will really change until the reforms come from the ground level as well as the top.  Otherwise, it’s like expecting FEMA to show up before the first responders do.

In person-to-person interactions, we are the first responders.

In addition to teaching young women about balance sheets, networking, negotiating, and time management, we can teach them to stand up for themselves.  There’s no need to be shocked or humiliated at boorish behavior—some men (a minority) are boors.  A woman in the professional world needs to recognize this.  She needs to expect decent behavior from her male peers (and superiors), but not be devastated by indecent behavior.  A woman in the work world needs to settle this with herself:

I am a person of worth; I have abilities and something to contribute, and I will not let anyone convince me otherwise.  I will gladly accept constructive criticism; I will not accept diminishing comments.  I will look people in the eye.  When a man complements my appearance, I will smile, say thank you, and change the subject.  If he complements my breasts or derriere, I will stare at him coldly and change the subject.  If a clever put-down is called for, I’ll think up a few and have them ready.  If push comes to shove, I’ll shove.  Maybe even literally.  I can’t, in the end, make anyone respect me.  But no one will keep me from respecting myself.

Women have their own forms of power, and I’m not talking about marching in the streets with big signs.  We are not helpless, we are not less than human, we are not without effect.  Much of the harassment will stop when we stop accepting it, or looking to other power structures to stop it for us.

Bible Challenge Week 27: Kings & Prophets – Elijah

This week we turn to the next chapter in the Bible saga.  We’re not done with kings; in fact, since the kingdom divided, we’ve doubled that number.  But a new era is beginning, when more and more of God’s word will be entrusted to prophets.  Prophesy is hardly new in Israel: from the beginning of their residence in Canaan, bands, or “schools,” of roaming holy men (and a few women) appear in the narrative.  But in the vast majority of cases we don’t know their mission or their message.  Aside from Moses and Nathan, we don’t even know their names.

With Elijah’s appearance, that changes.  The era of the prophets has arrived, and this diverse group, spanning hundred of years, from various backgrounds and abilities, will be responsible for one-third of the content of the Old Testament.

Elijah, however, will be better known for what he did than what he said.  In fact, as in so many periods of Israel’s history, a new age is signaled by an explosion of miracles.  What does that say about Elijah, and his protoge Elisha?  For the .pdf of this week’s challenge, with Bible passages, questions, and activities, click here:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 27: Kings & Prophets – Elijah

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 26: The Kingdom – Failure!

Next: Week 28: Kings & Prophets – Jonah, Amos, Hosea

Bible Challenge Week 26: The Kingdom – Failure!

So far we’ve seen three kings that started out strong but finished weak, David being the best of them.  From now on the books of I & II Kings (and I & II Chronicles) will fall into a pattern, like the book of Judges.  For the most part this will be a depressing pattern, with a few rays of hope.  We’ll find out what the pattern is this week, along with the events that led to . . .

As we’ll see, divided hearts lead to a divided kingdom.  It makes you wonder about the United States today–how united are we?  What are we united around?

For this week’s download, including scripture passages, thought questions, and activities to interest the children, click below:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 26: The Kingdom – Failure!

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 25: The Kingdom – Wisdom

Next: Week 26: Kings & Prophets – Elijah


Our Happiness

Ya know what I was thinking.  No child should have to choose between parents.  No child should have 2  parents that split up and hate each other and don’t communicate properly.  No child should go a year without seeing the other parent.  No child should think it’s their fault their parents split up.  No child should see their parents suffering.  No child needs to deal with adult problems.

But lots of children do.  Sometimes it’s unavoidable; usually not.  Usually it’s unhappiness on one side or the other, a gnawing dissatisfaction fed by daily irritation until it seems unbearable.  So unbearable it can no longer be borne.

I know a young woman who recently decided it couldn’t be borne, after living with a man for over ten years and creating two children with him.  To my knowledge, the three “A’s”–addiction, abuse, and adultery–were not a factor.  I’m going to be very blunt: this mother valued her own happiness over her children’s and that is self-deception in the worst way.

I know that sounds harsh, and is harsh, but by every objective measure it’s true.  Her kids are too young to express themselves, but the young lady I quote above, age 14, couldn’t have said it any better.  She speaks for the little ones who suddenly have no home, only temporary residences first with Mommy, next week with Daddy.  She speaks for those who perpetually come second, no matter what Mom or Dad says.  She speaks for those who bear the burden of their parents’ unhappiness: No child needs to deal with adult problems.

Back in the early days of the women’s movement, when mothers who walked out on their families received magazine cover stories, the reasoning went like this: If I’m unhappy, won’t my kids be, too?  They’re better off with a mother who knows who she is, who follows her dreams.  When I’m fulfilled, they will benefit.

We had it backwards, though.  When a woman becomes a mother, her happiness is linked to her children’s, not the other way around.  They don’t need our happiness—they need our stability, our reliability, our attention, our provision, all of which a single parent has to struggle to provide.  I know it’s not impossible to raise children alone, but it’s very, very difficult.  And two single parents who are bitter or resentful toward each other make it that much more difficult.  Sometimes a divorce is truly amicable but usually it just pretends to be—or why seek a divorce in the first place?  And then the pretense slips.

All of this makes the children unhappy.  Can we blame them? By the time a mother realizes that she’s traded her happiness for theirs, it’s too late.  Their resentment, sullenness, lack of direction and focus afflict her deeply.  Add on the bills, the endless chores and details falling to her alone, the little problems she never has time to deal with until they’re big problems, and (too often) the failure to establish a stable relationship with someone else—and that was clearly a bad trade.

It might get better.  The kids might be able to work through their trauma, find something or someone to ground themselves, and launch productive lives.  But the odds are against it, because we put them at a great disadvantage when they’re too young to understand why.  All for “happiness.”  Why can’t we learn?

Bible Challenge Week 25: The Kingdom – Wisdom

Job asked, “Where is wisdom to be found?”  It’s a good question, but an even better question might be, “What is ‘wisdom’?”  These days we hear the adjective more than the noun: wise woman, wise words, wise government officials–well, admittedly, we don’t hear those words in combination too much.  I wonder if that says something about our times: we understand the characteristics of wisdom (what it looks like) without understanding it.

The Bible doesn’t make that mistake.  A quick glance at my concordance shows many more references to wisdom than to wise, which only makes sense.  The main character of the Bible is the source of wisdom.

Still, what is it?  This week’s survey of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs is aimed at answering that question.  (We’ll look at Ecclesiastes next week, and as for the Song of Songs, I’m not wise enough to fit that one in!)  For this week’s scripture passages, discussion questions, and activities, click below:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 25: The Kingdom – Wisdom

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 24: The Kingdom – Solomon and the Temple

Next: Week 26: The Kingdom – Failure!

Did Billy Graham Make a Difference?

The many obits testify to the millions he preached to and the thousands who walked the aisle to “Just as I Am.”  Do you know anyone who was saved at a Billy Graham crusade?  Perhaps yourself?  He was a confidante of presidents and world leaders, he counted all races and nationalities among his friends, his name consistently appeared at the top of any “Most Admired” list.  But did he make a difference?

Because, as Ross Douthat shows in Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics, the postwar surge of religiosity that made Billy Graham a household name in the fifties abruptly reversed in the sixties and seventies.  Sporadic revivals since then have flamed out.  The clear, basic gospel he preached has been cherry-picked, watered down, synthesized, and syncretized to an extent that GenXers and Millennials barely know what it is.  Atheism is cool, or cooler than it used to be.  On a popularity scale, Evangelicals rank somewhere between used car salesmen and the U. S. congress—the only constituency, besides Catholics and rednecks, it is safe to mock.

So, looking around the blasted cultural landscape, you have to wonder: what long-term effect did those massive assemblies and altar calls produce?

God’s pattern is no pattern: the Holy Spirit moves where He wills.

God’s pattern is no pattern: the Holy Spirit moves where He wills.  We can get some indications from the history of the early church as recorded by Luke.  No modern “crusade” was as effective as Peter’s sermon on Pentecost: 3000 souls cut to the heart and crying out for salvation.  Afterwards, a thousand here, a thousand there: a church of almost 10,000 in a matter of months, or even weeks.  Jesus Christ and his people as highly regarded by the public as they were in the 1950s.

And then Christians started getting killed.  Stephen, who showed such brilliance and promise; James, one of Jesus’ inner circle—cut off!  Hot times in Jerusalem for the Christians, who scattered under pressure.  But seeds were planted.  Everywhere they went, they preached, making unlikely converts.  And the unlikeliest convert was made by Jesus Himself.

Saul, later called Paul, went from threatening the church to planting churches—dozens of them.  But he never conducted large outdoor meetings with massive responses.  Arguably the most consequential preacher in history, he probably never spoke to more than a hundred people at a time (except for one occasion in Acts 22, that didn’t end well) and we have no contemporary record of when, where, and how he died.

Seeds were planted, and the rest is history–though God’s history is different from ours.

But seeds were planted.  The rest is history, though God’s history is different from ours.  Revivals and Awakenings sometimes leave tracks in the human record.  But the work of the Kingdom mostly goes on in secret: the yeast working through the dough, the sprouts uncurling just below the surface, the wanderer who sees a light in the darkness guiding him home, the innumerable cups of water given in Christ’s name.

The visible church has failed spectacularly over the years.  The invisible church has not, because Christ is continually building and reforming it.  At times the visible and invisible intersect as they did at Pentecost and the Great Awakening and the Billy Graham crusades.  What difference did they make?  In the wider culture, not much.

But seeds were planted: some scattered, some eaten, some strangled.  And if you look closely you can spot the ones that took root: green shoots that push above ground and grow and mature and drop more seeds: ten- or a hundred-fold.  The news from the culture front is discouraging, but be not dismayed: by God’s grace, Billy Graham made a difference.

By God’s grace, we all do.

Bible Challenge Week 24: The Kingdom – Solomon’s Temple

David’s reign ended with an ugly scramble for a successor, but God already had someone in mind.  Once again, he passed over the older sons to settle on a younger one–a boy who may have been overlooked in the mad scramble of palace intrigue, but who, we are told, was loved from birth (II Sam. 12:24).  Solomon was known for wealth, wit, and wisdom–and later for women.  But his place in redemption history was secured by what he built.

After 500 years, the Lord would have his temple.  The Ark of the Covenant, after residing in tents and barns and (one one memorable occasion) side by side with a pagan idol, would come to its place of rest within walls lined with gold.  Finally there would be a focus for Israel’s worship: a central place for sacrifice, for service, for prayers and for preaching.  The festival of the Temple’s dedication, with a long prayer by Solomon himself, would be like nothing ever seen before or since.

But the people should know that even a building as magnificent at their new temple can’t contain the majesty of God–Solomon himself reminds them of that.  But the’re going to forget, and so will he.  And so do we, when we fool ourselves into thinking that our man-made constructions are sufficient to explain God.

For the printable download including scripture readings, discussion questions, and activities, click here:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 24: The Kingdom – Solomon’s Temple

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 23: The Kingdom – David’s Fall

Next: Week 35: The Kingdom – Wisdom

What Is “Color”?

Close your eyes and count to three.   Then open them and focus on one stationary object.

Where’s the light coming from, and how does it reflect off the object?  Where are the shadows?  What is the object’s depth—could you calculate it in inches or feet?  How accurate do you think your calculation is?  How are you estimating it?  Would the object still be recognizable if you reduced it to two dimensions (in other words, if you drew it)?  Can you imagine how the object would appear if you are looking straight down at it from above?

Finally: What color is it?

Are you sure?

These appear to be questions about perception, but actually they are questions about philosophy.  In fact, one of the very first philosophy questions is, if we perceive the world around us through our senses, can our senses be trusted?

The “Problem of Color” has plagued both scientists and philosophers for centuries—or that’s what Mazviita Chirimuuta says, in a provocative piece called “The Reality of Color Is Perception.” At first the title proposition seems obvious: Why, sure.  Light reaches our eyes in wavelengths and the brain perceives those various frequencies as color.  But . . . does that mean there really is no such thing as “color”?  That color is not a real property of the things we see, but it’s all in our head?  Or does color consist of some objective quality of the light? What is color?

Scientific theories tend to lean in a subjective or objective angle.  Color is either a brain phenomenon or it’s a light phenomenon.  But there’s another theory, the “relationist” theory, that  sees it as both.  Janus, the Roman god of time, serves as a metaphor because he looks both forward and back—the two-faced god.  Likewise, color relates both to the objective world and to the individual mind.

Ms. Chirmuuta likes that idea: “This is a common thread in scientific writing on color vision and it has always struck me that the Janus-facedness of color is its most beguiling quality.”

She goes on: “Indeed, I argue, colors are not properties of minds (visual experiences), objects, or lights, but of perceptual processes—interactions that involve all three terms.”  In that way, color perception is the same kind of process as consciousness itself.  “[C]onsciousness is not confined to the brain but is somehow ‘in between’ the mind and our ordinary physical surroundings, and . . . must be understood in terms of activities.”

Let’s say then that color is mind, object, and light.  Three perspectives, one phenomenon that we associate with recognize lilacs, sunsets, oceans, autumn.

Consciousness is mind, world, communication.  Three perspectives, one process.  St. Augustine, without the benefit of an electroscope, defined vision as eye, brain, correlation.  Three perspectives, one capacity that most of us never think about.

Object, word, meaning.  Frequency, ear, music.  Father, Son, Spirit—is anyone seeing a pattern here?  Maybe I’m just being philosophical, but once you’ve adopted a Trinitarian Creator you see Him echoed everywhere.

In the comments section below the article, one snarky responder calls out “the arrogance of philosophers who don’t know their place as they are just pseudo scientists filling the valleys and cracks of ignorance until real knowledge makes them obsolete.”  As for that plaguey problem of consciousness: “all philosophy has to offer there is confusion as well which will try to persist after inquisitive scientists have solved that puzzle too.”

Might be a long wait.

Bible Challenge Week 23: The Kingdom: David’s Fall

What’s your idea of a hero?  Is there anyone today, in the military or the sports world, who looks like a hero to you?  To a nation that had been longing for the ideal king to lead them and a “Mighty man” to look up to, David fit that description: the teenage boy holding up the head of a giant, the captain who had “slain his ten thousands,” the loyal subject who became a generous monarch, the chief shepherd of his people who made them feel like somebody.

But, as he made sadly apparent once he had reached middle age, David was not their ideal king.  If anyone still hoped, their hopes would have been dashed to see the mighty slayer of ten thousands sneaking out of his palace at night to escape of his own son.

How long would God’s people have to wait for their ideal king?

Click below for the .pdf of this week’s study, with Bible passages, questions, and activities for kids and grownups:

Bible Reading Challenge Week 23: The Kingdom – David’s Fall

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 21: The Kingdom – David’s Rise

Next: Week 23 – The Kingdom – Solomon and the Temple