Bible Challenge, Week 13: The People – Tabernacle

After last week’s fiasco, most of us would have ditched our “chosen people.”  The Lord even indicated that that was his inclination, but Moses (speaking in human terms, from a human perspective), “changed his mind.”  Or, as the first paragraph of the download puts it,

After the golden calf incident, God declared that He would let the Israelites go on to the promised land, but He would not go with them.  Moses intervened again: if God would not go with them, it wouldn’t be worth going.  The tabernacle was God’s answer.

Of course the Lord does nothing on the spur of the moment–even the words, “spur of the moment,” mean nothing in regard to a Being who lives outside of time.  So this was the plan all along.  But what was the purpose of the tabernacle?  And what made it even possible?

Click below for the printable download, which includes scripture readings, thought questions, and activities:

Bible Challenge Week 13: The People – Tabernacle

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 12: The People – Failure!

Next: Week 14: The People – Sacrifice

Why Sex?

Several years ago, after a flurry of news about some outrage I can’t even remember, my best friend asked in frustration, “Why do we even have to have sex?”

One obvious reason: without a drive that powerful and all-consuming, the human species would have died out a long time ago.  Babies are fun and rewarding but they’re also a burden and a commitment—not just for the cute years, the learning years, the carpool years, and the teen years, but for the rest of a parent’s life.  Every child, no matter how delightful, introduces a huge element of risk and worry.  We don’t volunteer for complications without a powerful motivation.  That’s one reason why birth rates always go down in developed countries, and it’s one answer to the “Why sex?” question.

Still, I understand my friend’s vexation.  I’ve felt it myself.  Loaded guns are beneficial when used for self-defense or food procurement, but they are too easily misused.  Why did God make this—the equivalent of a loaded gun—the only means for procreation?  And then why did he place it in the hands of beings who were bound to misuse it, to devastating effect?

It must be about more than us.  everything he does also reveals something about him.

Sex must be about more than us.  Everything God does also reveals something about him.

A man sees a woman—he burns for her.  It may be sheer lust: a desire to possess.  But somewhere in that tangle of impulse and emotion is also (I believe) a desire for surrender.  Sex is an abandonment of self, if only for a second.  A sadist may get a thrill out of exercising control over another human being, but for the ultimate thrill he (or she) has to let go.  Even in casual hookups or manipulative relationships there’s some degree of giving, of providing what the other person wants in order to get what you want.

A sexually-healthy marriage is mutual surrender, deepening into love so rich it produces fruit.  Each retains its own but in the process becomes better.  Neither partner gives up individuality, but in community becomes a better individual.  Even, in community, produces more individuals to grow up and figure out who they are and fall in love with a member of the opposite sex and grow the family.  That’s how it’s supposed to work, at its best.  Personal desire—even lust—initiating a vast web of mutual interdependence.

On a spiritual level, God is called our Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named (Eph. 3:15).  Note—God is not the father of each individual, but the Father of family.  Obviously not biological family, or not that alone (heavenly families, as little as we know of them, aren’t biological).  But the One God, who exists in three persons, models a biological family on a spiritual level.  Among those three persons is mutual (ecstatic?) surrender, taking and giving, creating within its great heart a dynamic that produces a universe.

Creation imitates its creator: atoms surrender elections to form molecules; planets submit to gravity to form solar systems.  Every force is dependent on or bound to another force.  There are no rugged individuals in nature.

Autonomy in sex turns pathological, leading to a form of insanity where the drive consumes the driver.

In fact, true autonomy is pathological.  Everybody knows that, though we still like to pretend our souls are ours alone.  That’s how sex goes awry: the essential submission and surrender are crammed into one second instead of spread out in a whole-life commitment.  The rest is Me Alone.  Autonomy in sex turns pathological, leading o a form of insanity where the drive consumes the driver.  And creates countless victims.  As with all human excess, it can’t last long.  We’ll be forced back into mutual dependence somehow because there’s no thwarting nature, or the God who made it.

Bible Challenge, Week 12: The People – Failure!

“All the LORD commands us, we will do.”  I’ve heard people say it’s easy to obey God.  Maybe they don’t realize how easy it is to think they’re obeying God, while they’re really obeying their own insights and personal revelations.

True obedience begins with true worship.  “You shall have no other gods before me” is not just about graven images to some fertility deity, or even a well-meant stand-in for Yahweh when he seems to be occupied elsewhere.   It’s also about bowing down before your own ideas about him; casting him in your image, rather than the reverse.

Aaron’s intentions might actually have been good, or what we would consider “good.”  Maybe he knew better, but was trying to keep the situation from getting out of hand.  But guess what?  The situation got out of hand anyway.  Before judging him too harshly, I need to think about myself.  With all the advantages of insight and knowledge I have (which Aaron and the primitive Israelites did not) how many times have I failed to worship the true God?

Click here for the printable download of this week’s challenge:

Bible Challenge Week 12: The People – Failure!

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 11: The People – Sinai

Next: Week 13: The People – Tabernacle


Bible Challenge, Week 11: The People – Sinai

Two weeks ago we read how Moses first met Yahweh on Mt. Horeb.  This week, Moses has a famous meeting with God on Mt. Sinai.  Did you know it was the same mountain?  Moses has become the mediator of a covenant, and now the people are called to a covenant ceremony similar to Abraham’s in Genesis chapter 15–but bigger.  Much bigger.

Also, last week we learned that Yahweh was far superior to the gods of Egypt in power.  This week we learn his superiority in another aspect, which is so taken for granted these days we forget how utterly striking it was for the time.  It’s connected with the idea of ‘holiness’–a word we’ve encountered but haven’t examined very closely.  Now is the time to do that, with fire on the mountain and the people of God coming face to face with their deliverer and Lord.

For a printable download of this week’s reading challenge, click below:

Bible Challenge Week 11: The People – Sinai

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 10: The People – Deliverance

Next: Week 12: The People – Failure!

Bible Challenge Week 10: The People – Deliverance

The stage is set for a great contest between the God of Israel and the many gods of Egypt.  Almost all cultures at that time worshipped many gods, and each deity was limited to control of a particular land, city, or natural phenomenon–not one of them was in control of everything.  But the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was about to draw a line in the sand, so to speak, and challenge the “gods” of Egypt to come out and fight.

Pharaoh thinks he is in control–he owns Egypt, doesn’t he?  He’s put his mark on the people of Israel, and they belong to him.  But God will override Pharaoh’s claim with an indelible mark of His own, ensuring that these people will never be erased from His mind, or from history.

An 80-year-old shepherd is on his way to Egypt with a thundering message . . . .

Click here for the printable download of this week’s Bible Reading Challenge:

Bible Challenge Week 10: The People – Deliverance

(This is a continuation of a series of posts about the “whole story” of the Bible.  I plan to run one every week, on Tuesdays, with a printable PDF.  The printable includes a brief 2-3 paragraph introduction, Bible passages to read, a key verse, 5-7 thought/discussion questions, and 2-3 activities for the kids.  Here’s the Overview of the entire Bible series.)

Previous: Week 9: The People – Moses

Next: Week 11: The People – Sinai



We hear the best things in life are free–how many of us actually believe it?  But it’s true that the most vital things in life are free, such as blood, oxygen, and grace.  The five senses are free, too: how often do you pause to appreciate them?  Especially at the turn of the seasons, when the air can be as rich as wine . . .

The best time comes at dusk.  That’s when the essence of day rises to the top, to be poured off over the cusp of nightfall.  That’s the time to open a window or grab a chair on the porch: clear your head, close your mouth, and breathe.

Each season has its particular character, tone, and finish.

In spite of its reputation for softness and its penchant for pastel colors, I find the Spring vintages to be least subtle.  Spring has a full-bodied, even rowdy character, given drama and depth by rising sap and the mellow dollops of spring peeper.  The damp, earthy tones of spring can overbalance the concert—an embarrassment of riches that may cloy.  It’s an immature vintage, but at least it’s lively.

Summer is more complex than any other season and, in its way, more insinuating.  It owes much of its appeal to the uprush of coolness after a hot day: the sort of dramatic, built-in contrast that could make even cream soda taste riveting.  But even without the drama,  summer has enough singular virtues to shine: the fresh-cut grass varieties are ravishing; the post-rains deeply satisfying.  The dew-at-nightfall labels can be a tad overdone, except for those who enjoy sweet.  Of course, those sticky, clinging vintages that don’t lighten up at the end of the day should be outlawed.  Fortunately, those are few (at least where I live).  More than any other season, summer air links us to childhood–common to all varieties is the lingering aftertaste of chasing fireflies in the field.  This reminiscence  is the virtue that covers a multitude of sins.

Autumn is smoke and frost and nostalgia: a sudden chill that links youth with age, new beginnings with old melancholy.  It’s far more suggestive than the other seasons, yet after all these years I find it a bit of a tease; a complex blend that may appear to mean more than it actually does.  The dusty finish can be a bit too dry, for those of us who have many more autumns behind them than ahead.

But to my taste, the finest and purest vintages are the Winters.  Remarkably consistent, yet never repetitive, best enjoyed through a window raised a couple of inches in a slightly overheated room.  The draft created by a well-stoked wood stove draws it in like a steely stream.  Like the summer varieties, winter owes some of its appeal to contrast.  After the palate has been stifled in wood and artificial heat all day, winter air sweeps in fresher than fresh, cleaner than clean, an exaggerated, sparkly essence with no hypocrisy whatsoever.  Here at the end of the yearly cycle, the master of the banquet gases through the glass and murmurs in awe, “Truly, you have saved the best until last.”

Love surrounds us, not only in objects but in spaces.  Air: what could be cheaper or more abundant than fresh air?  We’d find out if it were ever cut off; then there would be nothing so dear.  But even poured out lavishly from the storehouse of heaven, how rich it is, how sweet, and how divine.